Organic marketing involves driving website traffic and generating and converting leads without the use of paid advertising. Amazingly just chatting online and making posts like most of the population of the world.
It’s a long-term strategy that primarily aims to help you spread brand awareness.
You’ll establish yourself as an authority within your niche not by serving ads to your audience, but by providing them with valuable,interesting and insightful content. So naturally over time you don’t need to spend money on blog posts, case studies, guest posts and tweets .
Anything you don’t spend money on directly falls under the umbrella of organic marketing.
That email you just sent out to your list? Yes, that’s organic.
Now, it’s important to emphasize that the term “organic marketing”, It doesn’t mean that you don’t spend money.
You’re still going to invest in your marketing strategy and any related software i.e Autoresponders such as Aweber , Get response there are many more out there, Organic means you’re not paying to advertise for leads and sales.
An organic strategy brings customers to your business naturally over time. Instead of directly advertising to your target audience, you’re drawing them in by providing the information they’re looking for. You must have heard about the know like and trust factor.
With that said, there’s no fast track to results. Implementing an organic marketing strategy won’t boost your traffic overnight. In fact, it can take months to see the kind of performance you’re looking for.
This can be speeded up with the help of good instruction and knowledge , The best ones of course there are charges for i.e This one Here is a very low cost training course from the king of organic traffic himself.
Remember, we’re trying to build permanent sources of traffic that will help turn users into potential clients. What do these sources look like?
Use social media to boost your organic reach. If you’ve got a great content asset on your website that you think will help boost traffic, share it on social media. This will attract people to get to know you.